
CarChip Pro

Original price was: $129.95.Current price is: $78.95.

The CarChip Pro is like a tiny “black box” or data logger for your car.

Driving & Engine Performance Monitor
Installation is easy: plug it in, drive vehicle, download information.

  • Know how you car is being driven
  • Track speeds, hard stops, overall vehicle performance.
  • Set audible alarms that can act as ‘reminders’ for excessive events.

The CarChip Pro is an all-in-one engine performance and driving monitor. About the size of a key fob, it’s a great way to keep track of your vehicle, and your or others’ driving.

Before placing your order, please review the requirements, conflicts and exclusions.

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SKU: cc-8226-clamshell Category:


How It Works:

The CarChip plugs into the OBDII connector in your car, and continuously collects and stores data from the car’s computer control systems. Later, you use the cable and power adapter to download the information to your PC.

Ideal For…

  • Parents with Teen Drivers
  • Fleet Managers
  • Do-It-Yourselfers
  • Professional Mechanics
  • Cost-Conscious Consumers
  • Time-Pressured Commuters
  • Environmentally-Aware Drivers


  • Up to 300 hours of trip details (newest data records over oldest)
  • Complete trip details including time/date, distance traveled, speed (1- or 5-second intervals)
  • Provides individual graphs and summary reports
  • Records/shows extreme acceleration/braking
  • Allows user-set thresholds for audible alarms, speed, acceleration, and braking (post-drive reports/graphs show when, for how long, and number of times thresholds were exceeded)
  • Automatic accident log with last 20 seconds speed data before impact
  • Assign trips as business/commute/personal
  • Calculate gas mileage
  • View/Reset engine diagnostic trouble codes (check-engine light)
  • Test for preliminary emissions status
  • Software (included) lets you review/clear diagnostic codes, view summaries/detail reports, and copy data to spreadsheets for further analysis
  • Up to 4 out of 23 possible engine parameters, recorded every 5 to 60 seconds. Choose from:
    • RPM
    • Throttle Position
    • Engine Load
    • Fuel Pressure
    • Fuel System Status
    • Short-term Fuel Trim
    • Long-term Fuel Trim
    • Battery Voltage
    • Timing Advance
    • Coolant Temperature
    • Air Flow Rate
    • Intake Air Temperature
    • Intake Manifold Pressure
    • Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage
    • Records when the CarChip is installed and when it is disconnected
  • One Year Warranty


  • Includes the CarChip Pro data logger.
  • Software on CD.
  • USB download cable and power adapter.

The software requires Windows 95 or above, at least 5MB free hard disk space, and one free USB port.


Easy Plug-and-Go Installation:

  1. Locate your car’s OBDII connector. It’s found in the passenger compartment of all cars sold today, model -year 1996 or later, no more than three feet from the driver’s seat.
  2. Plug the data logger in. A gentle push is all it takes.
  3. Start driving. That’s all there is to it! The data logger will start collecting data as soon as you start driving.
  4. Install the software, connect the CarChip and download the data to your PC.

Find the OBDII Connector in Your Car
Not sure where the OBDII connector is in your car?
Check the interactive database maintained by the National OBD Clearing House at Weber State University.  Will not work on Diesel cars or trucks.


CarChip Requirements, Conflicts and Exclusions:

The CarChip requires your car to have an OBDII port (standard on most cars manufactured in the US or Canada in 1996 and newer.  It doesn’t work with the following vehicles:

  • Ford 7.2L CAT 3126 Diesel Engines
  • BMW 530XI, 2007 Models
  • Pontiac Grand Prix, 2004 Models
  • Tiptronic® Transmissions
    CarChip may cause vehicle hesitation or stuttering when used in 2003 or earlier model-year vehicles with Tiptronic transmissions. Developed by Audi and included on many of their vehicles, a Tiptronic transmission is one in which the driver may switch from a manual transmission to an automatic transmission while driving. Please check your vehicle’s owner’s manual to see if your vehicle has a Tiptronic transmission. We have not resolved this issue, and we recommend that you not use CarChip in vehicles with Tiptronic transmissions.

If you are concerned about the operation of your vehicle at any time while using CarChip:

  • You should pull over, off the roadway, immediately or as soon as it is safe to do so.
  • Remove CarChip from the OBDII port.
  • Consult a licensed mechanic or automobile service center.